Inspiring Excellence
The Transformative Power of Executive Coaching
Areas of Coaching
Healthcare Executive Coaching
You are leading through some of the biggest changes in healthcare history. Change requires you to acquire and lead new thinking and behaviors! What will your changes be? Your ability to lead will be tested in this new arena. How will you be ready for that challenge?
Physician Coaching
Many physicians do not consider themselves leaders, since they have no direct reports or other leadership responsibilities. Any time a healthcare professional walks into the room, you are the leader. The impact of your leadership cannot be overstated! The small nuances of leadership can make a significant difference in your professional impact.
Thinking Change
The feedback arrives. Not what you wanted to hear. To get to the next level, you will have to change your thinking and behavior. So many times the behavior is the focus and not the thinking that caused the behavior. We dig deep to help you find the insights that can help you to approach issues with an entirely different perspective.
Powerful Communication Coaching
Struggling with public speaking? Afraid of the crowd? Leaders who speak well influence change and we have significant experience that can help you prepare, practice, and polish your skills.
Leading Through Change
Change means something is different. ‘Different’ scares the brain. Scared brains don´t like change. Assisting your team, and even yourself to look at change through an entirely different lens will set you apart as the ‘go-to’ person in high-impact situations.
Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Collaborative efforts in the workplace are often hindered by several common barriers. These barriers not only disrupt communication but also have significant negative consequences for the organization.
Executive Coaching Process
Here’s a glimpse at the executive coaching process to help you plan and prepare for an optimal experience. Our goal is your optimum growth!
The executive coaching process at The Coaching Group Inc. involves a comprehensive and proprietary approach designed to enhance your performance and develop leadership skills.
It is entirely case-specific, within a framework of emotionally intelligent leadership.
It is so important to note that this is not something that you should worry about regarding time commitment. Your biggest investment will be twelve to fourteen hours over a six month period of meetings with the coach. What you choose to do outside the time of the sessions is entirely up to you. Sometimes clients turn down the coaching opportunity due to this concern. We will work with you to make this work!
Additionally, your next biggest task will be giving thoughts to the great questions you will need to formulate to move forward on your development path. As Socrates said “the quality of the questions you ask determine the quality of the answers you get”.
Our focus is leadership. You might think that due to your position on an organizational chart that you are not a leader. We strongly believe that, at any level of professional status, that you lead by thinking, behavior, and example. Thinking as a leader is key for any transformation process. When people see themselves, not just as go-to people, but as influencers of their environment…everything changes.
This level of executive coaching services is focused on high-performing individuals like yourself to identify, enhance and develop your executive leadership skills.
It is a proactive approach to assist you, as the executive coaching client, on how to maximize your talents and abilities, giving you command and clarity on how to best utilize your skills and talents. There are almost no top performers, in any realm of endeavor, that do not have a coach at their disposal.
This level of leadership coaching is designed for individuals who need to focus on improving key performance indicators.
Have confidence that as you focus on your strengths, guided by the intentional coaching process, that those areas of concern will become a strong part of your skill set!
Executive Coach & Client Connection: You will connect virtually or live with your coach for an introductory meeting.
Establish Goals & Parameters: Goals for your coaching engagement are established collaboratively. Assessments may be conducted to help identify areas of learning for optimal outcomes.
Executive Leadership Coaching typically runs for a six month period, with your meeting frequency based on your individual preferences.
As a coaching client, you will customarily access sessions bi-weekly through your preferred method such as virtual meetings or phone calls.
As a coaching client, you will have access to your coach via email and cell phone as needed.
The coaching client, (and sponsors when applicable) receive twice-weekly emails highlighting important aspects of leadership.
When applicable, regular check-ins with client sponsors help ensure progress and engagement. These contacts focus on compliance with the coaching process and never violate the essential confidentiality that must exist for your coaching to be successful.
As the coaching draws to a close, an assessment meeting reviews goal achievement and the need or desire to continue or conclude the coaching engagement.
Confidentiality in executive leadership coaching is paramount. Nothing that the client reveals or discusses can be shared without specific permission. This level of trust promotes the opportunity for the transformational change we see in our clients.
Healthcare Leadership Excellence Podcast
The Healthcare Leadership Excellence podcast was created to share valuable insights around leadership, communication, emotional intelligence and conflict resolution. Karl Pister, with over 30 years of coaching experience, is a passionate advocate of excellent and influential leadership. In each episode, Karl discusses real-life leadership challenges through the lenses of outstanding healthcare professionals. He is committed to empowering every healthcare leader lead with integrity, excellence, and inspiration.